Haver & Skolnick Architects, as featured in FORBES America’s Top 200 Residential Architects 2025. Click on image for more.

Tudor Revival, as featured in NEW ENGLAND LIVING.

Haver & Skolnick Architects, 2024 New England Design Hall of Fame Architecture Inductee, as featured in NEW ENGLAND HOME CT. Click on image for more.

"Innovation in Design Award"-winning Tudor Revival, as featured in CONNECTICUT COTTAGES & GARDENS.

Washington Pool House, as featured in INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY & TRAVEL.

Tudor Revival, as featured in NEW ENGLAND HOME CT.

"Innovation in Design Award"-winning Pointer Perch, as featured in HAMPTONS COTTAGES & GARDENS.

Haver & Skolnick Architects, 2024 New England Design Hall of Fame Architecture Inductee, as featured in NEW ENGLAND HOME. Click on image for more.

Pointer Perch, as featured in THE NEW YORK TIMES. Click on image for more.

“AIA Alice Washburn Award”-winning Tudor Revival, as featured in NEW ENGLAND HOME CT

Stone Farmhouse, as featured in CLASSICIST.

Pointer Perch, as featured in THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Click on image for more.

“A-list Award”-winning Washington Pool House, as featured in AT HOME. Click on image for more.

Connecticut Farmhouse, as featured in LITCHFIELD MAGAZINE. Click on image for more.

Pointer Perch, as featured in OCEAN HOME. Click on image for more.

“A-list Award”-winning Tudor Revival, as featured in AT HOME.

Stone Farmhouse, as featured in NEW OLD HOUSE. Click on image for more.

“APLD International Landscape Design Gold Award”-winning Pointer Perch, as featured in THE DESIGNER.

“Design Innovator Award”-winning Tudor Revival, as featured in SERENDIPITY

“Best of Year Honoree” Pointer Perch, as featured in INTERIOR DESIGN.

Tudor Revival, as featured in NEW OLD HOUSE. Click on image for more.

“A-list Award”-winning Pointer Perch, as featured in AT HOME.

"Innovation in Design Award"-winning Berry Bowl, as featured in CONNECTICUT COTTAGES & GARDENS. Click on image for more.

“AIA Alice Washburn Award”-winning Tudor Revival, as featured in ARCHITYPE.

“Architecture MasterPrize Award”-winning Pointer Perch landscape, as featured in ARCHITECTURE MASTERPRIZE ONLINE. Click on image for more.

“AIA Elizabeth Mills Brown Award”-winning Tudor Revival, as featured in ARCHITYPE

Pointer Perch, as featured in CONNECTICUT MAGAZINE. Click on image for more.

Tudor Revival, as featured in NEW ENGLAND HOME CT. Click on image for more.

"Residential Excellence in Design Award"-winning Pointer Perch, as featured in LUXE.

Pointer Perch, as featured in RD RESIDENTIAL DESIGN. Click on image for more.

Pointer Perch, as featured in FINEHOMEBUILDING

“AIA Elizabeth Mills Brown Award”-winning Tudor Revival, as featured in PRESERVATION CONNECTICUT NEWS.

“ASLA Connecticut Award”-winning Pointer Perch, as featured in CONNECTICUT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE.

“ASLA Connecticut Award”-winning Farmhouse Garden, as featured in CONNECTICUT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE.

"Innovation in Design Award" finalist Washington Pool House, as featured in CONNECTICUT COTTAGES & GARDENS.

“A-list Award” finalist Entertainment Barn, as featured in AT HOME.

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“APLD International Landscape Design Award”-winning Washington Pool House, as featured in THE DESIGNER.

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“RD Architecture Award”-winning Berry Bowl, as featured in RD RESIDENTIAL DESIGN.

“Conversations with Haver & Skolnick”, as featured in LITCHFIELD MAGAZINE. Click on image for more.


Stone Farmhouse, as featured in SERENDIPITY.

“APLD International Landscape Design Gold Award”-winning Berry Bowl, as featured in THE DESIGNER.

“Architecture MasterPrize Award”-winning Washington Pool House, as featured in ARCHITECTURE MASTERPRIZE . Click on image for more.

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Stone Farmhouse, as featured in RESIDE MAGAZINE.

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“Design Innovator Award”-winning Washington Pool House, as featured in SERENDIPITY.

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Walled Garden, as featured in NEW ENGLAND HOME CT.

Stone Farmhouse, as featured in SERENDIPITY. Click on image for more.

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Washington Pool House, as featured on the cover of the Korean edition of MARIE CLAIRE MAISON.

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“AIA Alice Washburn Award”-winning Washington Pool House, as featured in CONNECTICUT MAGAZINE.

Stone Farmhouse, as featured in CONNECTICUT COTTAGES & GARDENS. Click on image for more.

Washington Pool House, as featured in LITCHFIELD MAGAZINE. Click on image for more.

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“A-list Award” finalist Stone Farmhouse, as featured in AT HOME

Washington Pool House, as featured on the cover of the Turkish edition of MARIE CLAIRE MAISON. Click on image for more.

Washington Pool House, as featured in NEW ENGLAND HOME CT. Click on image for more.

"Palladio Award"-winning Walled Garden, as featured in PERIOD HOMES. Click on image for more

“Palladio Award”-winning Washington Pool House, as featured in PERIOD HOMES DIGITAL. Click on image for more.

“Palladio Award”-winning Washington Pool House, as featured in TRADITIONAL BUILDING ONLINE. Click on image for more.

Central Park Apartment, as featured on the cover of EAST COAST HOME + DESIGN. Click on image for more.

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Greek Revival House, as featured in CONNECTICUT MAGAZINE.

“ICAA Bulfinch Award”-winning Washington Pool House, as featured in NORTHSHORE MAGAZINE ONLINE. Click on image for more.

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Stone Farmhouse, as featured in ELLE DECOR ONLINE.

“ICAA Bulfinch Award”-winning Washington Pool House, as featured in TRADITIONAL BUILDING ONLINE. Click on image for more.

Entertainment Barn, as featured in STABLE STYLE. Click on image for more.

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“AIA Alice Washburn Award”-winning Washington Pool House, as featured in ARCHITYPE.

"AIA Alice Washburn Award"-winning Berry Bowl, as featured in CONNECTICUT MAGAZINE. Click on image for more.

“ICAA Bulfinch Award”-winning pool house as featured in PERIOD HOMES DIGITAL. Click on image for more.

“Streamside Farm”, as featured in FINE HOMEBUILDING. Click on image for more.

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Washington Pool House, as featured in SERENDIPITY DESIGN MARKET DIGEST.

"A-list Award"-winning Meditation Garden, as featured in AT HOME. Click on image for more.

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"AIA Alice Washburn Award"-winning New Old Barn, as featured in New England Home CT.

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“AIA Alice Washburn Award”-winning Berry Bowl, as featured in ARCHITYPE.

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“A-list Award” finalist Stone Farmhouse, as featured in AT HOME.

Phineas Smith House, as featured in ARCHITECTURAL DIGEST. Click on image for more.

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Central Park Apartment, as featured in SERENDIPITY.

"AIA Alice Washburn Award"-winning New Old Barn, as featured in CONNECTICUT MAGAZINE. Click on image for more.

Antique Cape, as featured in NEW ROMANCE: CONTEMPORARY COUNTRYSTYLE INTERIORS. Click on image for more.

Washington Pool House, as featured in NEW OLD HOUSE. Click on image for more.

"Innovation in Design Award"-winning Stone Farmhouse, as featured in CONNECTICUT COTTAGES & GARDENS. Click on image for more.

Entertainment Barn, as featured in LITCHFIELD MAGAZINE. Click on image for more.

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“AIA Alice Washburn Award”-winning Stone Farmhouse, as featured in CONNECTICUT MAGAZINE.


"Innovation in Design Award" finalist Central Park Apartment, as featured in NEW YORK COTTAGES & GARDENS.

Hilltop Barn House, as featured in LITCHFIELD MAGAZINE. Click on image for more.

Walled Garden, as featured in NEW ENGLAND HOME CT. Click on image for more.

Phineas Smith House, as featured in AMERICAN FARMHOUSES. Click on image for more.

The work of Haver & Skolnick Architects, as featured in HUDSON. Click on image for more.

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Entertainment Barn, as featured in SERENDIPITY.

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“A-list Award” finalist Walled Garden, as featured in AT HOME.

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Streamside Farm, as featured in CONNECTICUT COTTAGES & GARDENS.

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“A-List People’s Pick Award”-winning Central Park Apartment, as featured in AT HOME.

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Meditation Garden, as featured in GARDEN DESIGN.

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Restored Carriage House, as featured in ARCHITECTURAL DIGEST.

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We were honored to be included in LITCHFIELD MAGAZINE's "The Most Influential People of Litchfield County" in 2015.

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Greek Revival House, as featured on the cover of CONNECTICUT HOME & GARDEN.

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Streamside Farm, as featured in CONNECTICUT MAGAZINE.

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Meditation Garden, as featured in ELLE DECOR ONLINE.

Simon Pearce Tavern, as featured in GREENWICH TIME ONLINE. Click on image for more.

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Phineas Smith House, as featured in ARCHITECTURAL DIGEST ONLINE.

"At the office with Haver & Skolnick Architects" as featured in UNLOCKING LITCHFIELD ONLINE. Click on image for more.

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Hilltop Barn House, as featured in ELLE DECOR ONLINE.